Saturday, March 3, 2007

I forgot my daughter!

On my profile I forgot my daughter, yet another thing due to chatting about her disabled brother! I find that children who have siblings that are ill long term or have disabled siblings do get half the normal attention than regular families. I have had to be looking after the one that will stab you if you turn your back! To spend hours outside his bedroom door to keep him in his room, on the nights I had the energy and The will to fight him! She had to go to bed hearing the screaming and shouting, not getting involved ,creping quietly through the house to not upset him. Wow she had a hard life. I'm told by her that she really did'nt mind, and for her it was home and how it was ,but as a mum I know she was not given what she should have been given, my time.I can get down about this and say it really was'nt fair to her, or if my ex had helped more then it could have been easier on her, all of which I can't change. My daughter learnt early that life is unfair.

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