Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Well I have to say that for me dreams are very powerful. I have no idea if it is a subconscious way of working through problems or just a made up world that we enter at night. I can say that some nights they are so over whelming I need a few hours just to get over the dreams and ground myself in the reality of the day!
Am I alone in this or does the whole world have vivid dreams? My partner says he doesn't dream much and it has no affect on him. Why then do I dream dreams that are so real and can be so emotional I need time to recover! I have to say my dreams are not all bad by along way, just vivid. Some dreams you can tell are just yourself playing out options to your own life. Some are learning curves but some are just so complexed they leave me breathless. Oh and I don't mean they are sexual, mostly not(that could be an age thing!) but vivid. Yes I feel they are in color. Yes I feel that they have meanings just I am unable to always tap into the meanings.
Let me know if anyone else has dreams that mean something. I have read books on dreams and some of it I can see but other bits just do not fit. Well I feel I have recovered enough for today. Oh and I haven't been drinking the night before, or eaten cheese or chocolate, so not food related.

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